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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 in the meeting room of the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Present:  John Reed, Andy Willie, Brian White, Walt Motyka, Mike Holmes and Jim Bernardi.

Also Present:  Pat Llodra, (First Selectman), Maria DeMarco, (DeMarco Management), Elizabeth Stocker (Economic & Community Development), Mike Struna (Advantage Realty), three members from the public and two members from the press.

Absent:  John Madzula.

Opening Remarks:  John Reed started the meeting by thanking the First Selectman, Pat Llodra for attending the Fairfield Hills Authority Meeting.  Chairman Reed also welcomed Jim Bernardi, the newest member of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  John Reed gave any overview of Mr. Bernardi’s resume’.

Public Participation:  None.

Acceptance of Minutes:  At this time John Reed asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June 16, 2010 meeting minutes.  The Authority did not receive the minutes in their information packets so the approval of these minutes will take place at the next Authority meeting.

Dr. Reed pointed out that the minutes are on the Town of Newtown’s website if anyone from the public wanted to read them.

First Selectman:  John Reed stated that he and the First Selectman has been meeting every Monday before the Authority meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the Fairfield Hills Campus.  

Ms. Llodra stated that she was happy to be at the Authority meeting but could only stay for a brief time because the Legislative Council also had their meetings on the Third Wednesday of every month and she needed to attend that meeting as well.  

John Reed stated that the Authority could discuss possibility changing that day of their meeting before committing to the schedule for next year.

Ms. Llodra gave the Authority an overview of what the charge of the Master Plan review committee is and stated that this is a fledgling committee with a very aggressive meeting schedule.  Ms. Llodra went on to state that one of the most critical aspects of the charge of this committee is to engage the community regarding the review of the Master Plan and to give a broader understanding of what the Master Plan is.  (See Attached).

The Master Plan also requires a review every five years and that is another reason this review committee has been established.

Selectman Llodra mentioned two critical areas that have been discussed since the conception of the Master Plan which have always received the most intense debate and they are:  

  • Economic Development – Should it even be done.
  • Housing on the Fairfield Hills Campus.
The Review Committee has to consider what is the best thing for the town.

Walt Motyka asked if the Review Committee will be actually making changes to the Master Plan or will they be working with a professional Master Planner.

Ms. Llodra said that they Review Committee can request changes but eventually the concepts will have to go through the Board of Selectmen and then to Planning and Zoning.  

Walt Motyka asked if the Review Committee was going to attend any of the Fairfield Hills Authority meetings.  

John Reed stated that he sent a letter to the members of the Review Committee offering information and assistance from the Authority members.

Ms. Llodra stated that Nancy Wosnicki was in the audience for this meeting but would not be able to speak for the entire group.

Ms. Llodra went on to ask that the Fairfield Hills Authority be open minded when considering ideas which may differ from the original Master Plan.

Ms. Llodra then informed the Authority that she is very involved in the development of the Duplex area and hopes that the complex can be used for social services for the Town of Newtown.  She believes that this would be a wonderful outcome and use for the duplex area.  She informed the Authority that she has had some discussions with the Executive Board of the Youth and Family Services.

Ms. Llodra stated that the Department of Public Works is putting together what the cost of completing the infrastructure of that area and she also hpes to have estimates for interior renovations.

Broker Report:  At this time John Reed introduced Mike Struna, Advantage Realty, who is the Broker representing the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Mr. Struna gave an update of some potential real estate deals involving the buildings on the Campus:

  • Stratford Hall – Now that the environmental clean-up has been completed Mr. Struna will be taking a potential developer into the building to discuss the possibility it being turned into a restaurant.
  • Woodbury/Newtown Hall – Mr. Struna is also working with a developer who is interested in both of these buildings.  The developer is working off cost estimates to see if it would profitable to proceed with interest in having the two buildings.
  • Cochran Hall – Mr. Struna informed the Authority that the same developer that is interested in Woodbury/Newtown Hall is interested in the Cochran building for the development of a 150 to 160 unit apartment building. He acknowledged that this project will be difficult because this building was not slated for re-use and at this time housing isn’t an approved use on the campus so the concept of housing will have to go before the Master Plan Review Committee.  While the interested developer realizes that this is not a permitted use for the building but they have done some preliminary work and believe this concept will work for them for an economic point of view.
Mike Struna stated  the interested developer for items 2 and 3 would have to do all of the infrastructure work themselves i.e. parking and utilities.

John Reed reviewed Selectman Llodra’s comments about housing and restated that the role of the Authority is to implement the approved Master Plan and therefore it would have no basis for taking any action pertaining to housing.  

Brian White suggested that at this time there would not be a reason for the Authority to make a formal referral to the Review Committee because he felt that this could give the impression that the Authority in some way promoting the concept of housing at Cochran House.

John Reed agreed and stated that he would contact the Review Committee’s Chairman directly to explain the availability of our broker and possibility the developer interest in Cochran House to serve as a resource to the supply information on this type of housing should the Review Committee wish to speak with them.

Operating:  At this time Maria DeMarco gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the Farmer’s Market it going very well.  They have held three so far and they are getting more exposure.

The lowest bidder for the campus directional signs is doing a mock-up of one of the signs for review.  Ms. DeMarco stated that it should be here by July 31, 2009 and she will look it over to make sure it adheres to the guidelines specifications.  If it does, then she will have all of the signs printed and install right away.

Ms. DeMarco stated that the Stratford Hall remediation has been completed and that you can really see the potential of this building.

Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the benches that were ordered arrived and were waiting to be assembled.  

Andy Willie requested that when they are being put together that the Newtown Bee be notified so they can do a story on the benches.

Andy Willie also asked if the Green House on the Fairfield Hills Campus can be used.  This request was made by a local organization.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that the green house is in very poor condition and she was not sure what the soil condition was like.  

John Reed requested that Ms. DeMarco contact Russell Bartley to see if he has information on the green house from his previous inventory of the campus.

John Reed also questioned what the security ramifications would be if someone was trying to use the green house.

John Reed informed the Authority that the Chief of Police noticed that one of the large glass windows at the entrance of Cochran House was broken.  The Department of Public Works immediately came and re-secured the building by putting up plywood and painting it so it was not such an eyesore.

The Department of Public works was also in the process of putting up safety signs on every building.  John Reed stated that more signs would need to be ordered to complete this task.

John Reed stated that there was an article in the News Times newspaper that stated 10 people had been arrested over a two day period in Norwalk Hall.

Economic and Community Development:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic & Community Development gave an update on the various projects that are going on around the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Ms. Stocker concurred that the Stratford Hall Building remediation has been completed and that the town is just waiting for the formal paper work to be completed.  Ms. Stocker confirmed that the town locks are back on the building.  Ms. Stocker also confirmed that the #58 Duplex remediation will be completed Thursday of this week.  

Ms. Stocker stated that she has been working with the contractors so they can move on to the next duplex #59.  In order for the contractor to move forward an additional fee needed to be addressed.  The contractor has discovered that the pipes under the tile floor in the bathroom was covered with concrete and that has caused a cost increase of $4200.00.  

John Reed asked if these pipes had to be removed if encapsulated in concrete.

Ms. Stocker stated that if the pipes are not removed then the town cannot declare that the building is asbestos free.  

Ms. Stocker stated that she needed to confirm with the contractor that the funds would be available as early as tomorrow morning so that they would not have to demobilize and the town would have to incur that cost as well.

Another increase in expenditures is the removal of the collapsed porch in building #59.  Once the porch is removed, the rest of the building will be exposed to the elements and the town will need to explore the cost of making it weather tight.

The final Ms. Stocker also informed the Authority that in building #59R there is mastic on the bathroom tiles stemming from a renovation done to the building.

Andy Willie made the suggestion that the pipes be left in the building untouched and that the cost of removal be added to the value of the building for the possible tenant to pay.

John Reed stated that if the buildings are slated for the uses that the First Selectman talked about earlier in the evening, none of these tenants would have the money for these types of repairs.  This would ultimately cost the town  more money.

Ms. Stocker stated that the amount she would need is $8500.00

John Reed stated that the town is in a new fiscal year and that these projects are a priority so he made the suggestion that the cost come out of the $59,498.00 slated for small projects on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Dr. Reed asked that a motion be made.

Motion:  Mike Holmes made a motion that the Fairfield Hills Authority authorize the spending of $8500.00 towards change orders for the Duplex projects.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.  

The vote was four in favor, zero against.  Andy Willie abstained and Jim Bernardi is unable to vote because he has not been sworn in yet with the Town Clerk.

Ms. Stocker said she would try to negotiate the cost down and all of the Authority members hoped she would be successful.

At this time Ms. Stocker informed the Authority about an article that was planned for the Stratford Advocate about the commercial space available on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. Stocker stated that whenever lower Fairfield Hills County is interested in commercial real estate in Newtown it was a very good thing.

Finance:  At this time Brian White gave an overview of his monthly financial report.  (See Attached).  

At the end of the fiscal year Mr. White reported that most of the special projects have been completed.  Mr. White stated that the final numbers are not in but he thinks the expenditures may have gone over budget by approximately $960.00.  If so an adjustment will have to be made to expenses so the budget remains in the black.  Mr. White and Ms. DeMarco will report on this at the next Authority meeting.

Mr. White said he was planning on meeting with Maria DeMarco next week and would discuss with the finance office the existing protocol for approving expenditures with the goal of determining if the procedures can be improved.

Old Business:  

        John Reed attended the July meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board   .  It was agreed that each body would review the proposed rules and adopt them at the September meeting of the two organizations.  John asked that Andy Willie Committee meet prior to the September meeting to review the proposed rules.
        Fencing around Kent Building – John Reed stated that the fencing that is currently used around the building is a temporary fence and he has made the suggestion that the town put in a semi-permanent fence.  Dr. Reed thinks this is a priority because of the proximity of the building to the recreational fields on the campus and the danger that falling debris posed to those areas.

At this time there is funding available for half of a fence to be installed around the building.  John Reed made a request to the Authority that the balance of the cost for the entire fence (approximately $12,000.00) be taken from the Special Revenue Fund.

Motion:  Andy Willie made a motion to authorize the use of funds from the Special Revenue Fund to cover the cost of the installation of the second half of the fencing around Kent House.

Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Committee Assignments:  At this time John Reed confirmed with the Authority the various sub-committee assignments:

        Finance – Brian White

        Operating Committee – Andy Willie/Jim Bernardi/Mike Holmes

        Long Term Planning – Walt Motyka/John Madzula/new member

        Special Assignments – (Security/Safety) – Jim Bernardi

CIP – Walt Motyka/John Madzula/Mike Holmes with Elizabeth             Stocker as a resource person.

CIP:  At this time Walt Motyka gave a review of the Capital Improvement Project timeline and proposed changes.

The town will not accept an increase in the approved dollar amount for the first four years of the CIP but will permit movement of approved projects.

Mr. Motyka went on to explain what he recommends for the next five year’s planned – See attached outline.

The biggest recommendation Mr. Motyka is making is that all of the infrastructure be completed and that none of the buildings slated for demolition be done until year five (2015/2016).

The group agreed that it had asked for all non-use buildings to be demolished by 2014-2015 and would again submit a request to have this done by 2015-2016 because of safety concerns.  

This work needs to be completed by August 2, 2010.  

Elizabeth Stocker made the suggestion that she would be able to generate the documentation for the town that can be reviewed by the Authority members before it is finalized.

John Reed stated that if the Authority needed a little more time to review then he would inform the Director of Finance.

Motion:  Andy Willie made a motion to adopt the re-appropriated Capital Improvement Plan as discussed at the Authority meeting.  

Mike Holmes seconded the motion.  

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Motion:  Andy Willie made a motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.